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“smashing stuff … every song is rigidly stamped by the seal of this super-trio.” Arnar Eggert Thoroddsen, Morgunblaðið
“an outstanding and overwhelmingly beautiful album that arouses admiration and causes shivers down the spine. An instrumental feast that tastes even more every time.” Stacja Islandia
“You walk into a room, and your mood shifts. In one group, you are wise, funny, energized. In another: timid, dull, cranky. A library, full of quiet intensity, turns you into a scholar. A football match into a raving lunatic. The unseen threads running between people affect us. When we notice people listening, we listen, too.
Individually, the members of the trio hist og have played on countless records, with countless musicians of countless genres. I imagine they couldn’t have done this without paying attention to the people they work with. On these songs here, the sense of mutual focus and listening pulls me right in. What a beautiful record this is. You listen to it, and it listens right back.”
Steingrímur Karl Teague
released December 12, 2020
recorded by Albert Finnbogason at Mengi Kjarnholt, Iceland in the month of June 2020
mixed and produced by Albert Finnbogason mastered by Ívar Ragnarsson cover art and design by Páll Ivan frá Eiðum
All songs by Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson, Magnús Trygvason Eliassen and Róberta Andersen