hist og

holy ghost of

Holy ghost of album cover

awards and nominations


Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson: trumpet, samplers, piano and synths

Róberta Andersen: guitar, bass and synths

Magnús Trygvason Eliassen: drums, drum machine, drum-adjacent sounds

Straight eyes and laskað lánshæfi composed by Róberta Andersen. Other tracks composed by hist og.

Recorded and mixed during 2022 and 2023 at Úslandia by Albert Finnbogason.

Produced by Albert Finnbogason.

Mastered by Ívar Bongo.

Field recording on flúorgoði and öll hljóð by Hallfreður Örn Eiríksson, Svend Nielsen and Guðmundur Ólafsson, recorded on July 18th, 1969 at Stóra-Tunga in Fellsströnd, Iceland. Courtesy of Ísmús, SÁM 90/2187 EF. Additional field recording on öll hljóð by Eiríkur, at his domicile, Reykjavik on April 27th, 2021

Painting on cover: “Holy ghost of” by davíð örn halldórsson. Band logo on back side by davíð örn halldórsson. Photos by Victor S. Brigola.

Graphic design by Þórir Georg

Released November 3rd, 2023 on Reykjavik Record Shop

Kindly supported by the Icelandic Musician’s Union’s Culture Fund (Menningarsjóður FÍH), STEF and Hljóðritasjóður